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1 Perish In Train and Bus Accident Along Lytton Road In Harare

One person is feared dead after a goods train collided with a bus in an accident at the railway crossing along Lytton Road in Harare.

The collision occurred in the early hours of this morning at the rail crossing along Lyton and Paisley Road in Harare.

The National Railways of Zimbabwe confirmed the accident:

“One person died on the spot while several others suffered various degrees of injuries after a bus was hit by a train at the Paisley level crossing in Workington, Harare, in the wee hours of today. Preliminary inquiries indicate that the driver of the bus failed to stop at the level crossing, resulting in the accident.

“The NRZ family expresses its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased person and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured. We also encourage drivers to strictly observe level-crossing rules to avoid such tragic incidents.”

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People gathered at the scene to witness the crash and assist people who had sustained injuries in the collision.

The railway crossing along Lytton Road has no warning lights or gates that close when a train is approaching. Also, a lot of public vehicle drivers deliberately fail to stop at railway crossings, hoping to beat the train.

Also read: 1 Dead As Police Resort To Live Bullets On Kenyan Tax Protests

People on social media expressed worry over the state of public vehicles and trains in Zimbabwe.


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1 Perish In Train and Bus Accident Along Lytton Road In Harare

“This image sadly mirrors Zimbabwe’s state. A person who died pre-independence would recognize this 1973 bus and train. The only difference izvi zvasakara. Our nation is gone for good, with people commuting in such decayed transport.”


“iTrain here iyoyo? Very sad they keep those obsolete things on the rail tracks.”


“Some buses need to be out of these roads yakatopasa fitness test ku vid ipapa kutogadzira ngozi Mari Zim inoidisa.”

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“Zvinhu izvo zvese zvazvisisafaniri kunge zvichiri kufamba in the first place.”


“I’m deeply saddened to hear about this tragic accident. My heartfelt condolences go out to all those affected by this devastating incident.”

For comments, Feedback and Opinions do get in touch with our editor on WhatsApp: +27 82 836 5828

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