RENOWNED After being deported, Dr. Malinga, a musician from South Africa, was unable to carry out his intentions to play at Ngoma Primary School in Gwanda.

Over the weekend, he was supposed to give a performance.

The artist said in a social media video that his deportation was caused by the promoters’ failure to obtain the appropriate clearance and a work visa for him.

“We took a flight to Zimbabwe yesterday, but we were sent back.

“We was deported, but we were due to perform at Ngoma.

Not that we didn’t arrive, either. We went. Even when we were here, we recorded videos. We arrived, but they sent us away.

“Zimbabwe, I’m sorry.

“But it was complications from your side, from the promoter’s side not from my side because mina I came,” Dr Malinga said in the video clip.

Dr Malinga said he had videos as evidence of his presence in the country.

He expressed his heartfelt apologies to everyone who was expecting him.

It is a legal requirement for visiting musicians to obtain a work permit prior to their arrival in Zimbabwe, and this responsibility lies with the hosting promoter.

However, this step was overlooked by the promoters resulting in Dr Malinga’s deportation.

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