Sungura music icon Alick Macheso made a heartwarming gesture yesterday by donating groceries and a Jojo Tank to the Kutenda Children’s Home in Bindura. Sharing the news on social media, Macheso expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to give back to his hometown community. The donated items included essentials like mealie meal, cooking oil, sugar, vaseline, Mazoe drinks, and more, benefiting 22 pupils at the Home.
In his message, Macheso highlighted the importance of supporting areas in need, such as schools and hospitals. He acknowledged that while his band may not be able to reach every doorstep, they can make a positive impact by contributing to meaningful causes. Macheso also shared his hopes for continued opportunities to help others, expressing his faith in God’s guidance for their charitable endeavors.
“Kupa kune Kupa!
Zuro takanga tirko kwakasara rukuvhute, Bindura, tichibatsirana nevepaKutenda Children’s Home, Masembura, takakwanisa kuvasiirawo zvekushandisa zvinosanganisira ma Grocery uye Tank remvura, riya ratinoti Jojo Tank, kuti vasare vachibatsirikana,” he posted.
Meanwhile, Macheso and the Orchestra Mberikwazvo are scheduled to perform this Saturday at the Country Club in Bindura, specifically at the Rugby Field.
“Musakangamwa, 13 April, Saturday, tiripo zvekare pa Bindura nevaimbi vakawanda vesungura ku #ChesologySunguraFest paBindura Country Club, ku Rugby Field, says Macheso.