Allegations of Judicial Corruption Rock Zimbabwe: A Comparison between 2018 and 2023 Cases

The recent demand for the resignation of Deputy Chief Justice Elizabeth Gwaunza and Supreme Court judges Antonia Guvava and Chinembiri Bhunu by Tendai Mashamhanda, son of Mashwede Holdings owner Alex Mashamanda, highlights allegations of corruption and violations of ethical regulations within the judiciary.

Similar to the 2018 revelations made by Acting Prosecutor General Kumbirai Hodzi, who exposed a justice system capture cartel involving police officers, lawyers, prosecutors, magistrates, and judges, the current situation involves Mashamhanda accusing the mentioned judges of accepting false evidence in an appeal case. This draws parallels with Hodzi’s claim of a powerful cartel corrupting the justice system in Zimbabwe.

The 2018 article reveals Hodzi’s assertion that the justice system is compromised by a syndicate with significant influence, prepared to resort to extreme measures, including attempts on Hodzi’s life. This echoes the current allegations by Mashamhanda, suggesting a recurring theme of corruption within the judicial system.

Both cases highlight the erosion of professionalism and ethical standards within the judiciary, with Mashamhanda citing “gross elementary errors of facts and misleading statements” in the Supreme Court judgment. Similarly, Hodzi pointed out an erosion of professionalism and corruption among lawyers and officers involved in the justice system in 2018.

The demand for judges’ resignations and the exposure of alleged fraudulent practices in the recent case parallel the call for “brutal” measures to disrupt the cartel made by Hodzi in 2018. Both instances underscore the need to confront corruption within the justice system head-on.

It appears that Zimbabwe is grappling with persistent challenges related to judicial ethics and corruption, with the recent allegations echoing concerns raised in 2018, indicating an ongoing struggle for transparency and integrity within the country’s legal institutions.

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