Zimbabwe Increases Monthly Allowances for Mayors and Councillors Amid Economic Concerns

The Zimbabwean government has announced an increase in monthly allowances for mayors and councillors nationwide. Mayors will now receive a monthly allowance of US$90, a significant rise from the previous US$47.

According to Circular No. 12, issued on September 26, 2024, by July Moyo, the Minister of Local Government and Public Works, the updated allowance structure is as follows:

– Mayors and Council Chairpersons: US$90 per month (up from US$47)
– Deputy Mayors and Vice-Chairpersons: US$82.50 per month
– Chairpersons of Committees: US$78 per month
– Councillors: US$75 per month

The circular specifies that although the allowances are denominated in **United States Dollars**, they can be paid in any currency from the country’s multi-currency basket. It also states:

“Town Clerks/Secretaries and Chief Executive Officers are to ensure that the allowances are paid as specified. The payment of allowances will be subject to audit, and any overpayments will be recovered. No additional allowances, including sitting allowances, are permissible.”

In addition to their monthly allowance, councillors are entitled to travel and subsistence allowances for travel outside their council area. However, Rural District councillors attending council meetings will receive this allowance due to the distances involved. The rates will be calculated based on current government rates plus 50%.

Bulawayo Mayor David Coltart commented on the development, stating that the only payments received beyond the allowances set by the Minister are per diem allowances for travel to approved meetings or workshops. He expressed on X:

“It is important for the public to know that for those councillors who are not corrupt — and there are many across the country — this is all they receive. In my case, as the mayor of a city with nearly a million residents and a budget of approximately US$308 million for the coming year, my total monthly allowance is now **US$90**. The only additional payments are per diems for authorized travel related to city business. For many of us, serving our local communities is simply a labor of love.”

Former Harare Mayor Bernard Manyenyeni criticized the US$90 monthly allowance for mayors as insufficient. He wrote on Facebook:

“For a committed mayor fully dedicated to their responsibilities, this US$90 monthly allowance won’t even cover phone bills. When I was at council, **ZOL** had to assist with my phone bill due to frequent disconnections, and Starlink costs US$100 per month.

For councillors, especially in high-density suburbs, this pay will be quickly consumed by community needs — food, medicine, funerals, and transport.

All aspiring councillors should undergo a means test to demonstrate their financial capacity to manage their affairs before taking on civic responsibilities.

Those who can afford to do civic work will not easily subject themselves to the political challenges of elected municipal service. We get what we deserve!”

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