Bona Mugabe who cited citing promiscuity as the main reason for divorcing husband, Simba Chikore is demanding US$8 100 a month maintenance.
“In the event of the granting of the Divorce Decree by the honorable court it will be just and equitable that the Defendant be ordered to pay maintenance for the minor children in the sum of USD2 700 per child monthly…”
Bona said during the subsistence of their marriage, they jointly as well as severally acquired various movable and immovable property. However, she says dealing with proprietary issues in the suit will delay granting of the divorce decree.
The couple tied the knot on March 1, 2014, in a lavish ceremony at the family’s private home in Harare’s plush Borrowdale. The couple has three children aged seven, five and two.
Bona sought full custody of the children arguing that it was in their best interests but with Chikore granted access to them every alternate weekend.
In other news,
Top model Tumelo Nare took an overdose of cocaine and fell into a trance before walking nσked in the corridors of a prime hotel in the capital, a Harare court heard yesterday.
Nare appeared before magistrate Evelyn Mashavakure facing charges of unlawful possession of illegal drugs.
Tumelo Nare (26) is being charged alongside, Precious Bango…read more

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