Feuding Bona Mugabe and Simba Chikore have been given 10 days to remove all the Carrick Creagh stands totalling 213 794 square metres they listed in their divorce proceedings.

“We act for Arosume Property Development (Private) Limited, a land development company in partnership with the Government through a public-private-partnership (PPP) tripartite agreement with the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works, which agreement is dated June 2007 and still subsists.

“Our client has learnt from the wide media coverage of your respective clients, a Mr Simbarashe Chikore and his wife Bona Chikore (nee Mugabe) matrimonial proceedings that various properties in the Carrick Creagh Estate alone are listed as part of their matrimonial estate and subject to distribution.

“We are instructed, as we hereby do, to demand that both your clients cause to be removed from their pleadings all Carrick Creagh properties that do not belong to them within the next ten (10) working days, failure which our client will take legal action without further notice to you for the removal of all Carrick Creagh land from their matrimonial proceedings.”

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