CCC Councilor Accuses ZANU PF MP Of Impeding Development
Farai Taruvinga, a lawmaker for ZANU PF representing Insiza North, has been charged by Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) councillor Nomusa Moyo of obstructing development in the Matebeleland South region.
According to NewsDay, Moyo maintains that Taruvinga has obstructed the process by refusing to work with him and by pointing her towards the CCC candidate he beat in the harmonised elections held in August 2023. It is said that Moyo said:
Recently, in Shangani, an energy transformer was stolen. I attempted to speak with ZINWA authorities to encourage them to contact ZESA so that the transformer could be fixed and residents could start receiving water.
ZINWA and ZESA officials said they had no funds to attend to the problem and I phoned the MP hoping that he will assist since he has access to the Constituency Development Fund and Devolution Funds.
But he told me that I must first wear the ZANU PF coat so that he can help me.
Moyo alleges that Taruvinga responded by insisting she could get assistance from CCC’s losing Parliamentary candidate David Masuku.
Moyo said she questioned how a defeated candidate could have access to ministries and government departments.
Moyo expressed her frustration, stating that if Taruvinga refused to work with her as a CCC councillor and only collaborated with Zanu PF, it would hinder the development of her ward for the next five years. Taruvinga could not be reached for comment at the time.
Moyo recorded a phone conversation with Taruvinga, where he allegedly insisted she get assistance from Masuku instead. Moyo had approached Taruvinga about a borehole drilled by the MP in the Shangani growth point. She said the borehole has no power and a functioning pump, depriving people of access to water.
The disagreements between Moyo and Taruvinga are not unique. Throughout the years, there have been reports of officials who refuse to cooperate with members of different political parties.
In some cases, these officials even go as far as undermining the development efforts of elected officials from opposing parties.
This situation hampers progress and can hinder the overall development of the community.
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