Chiwenga Denounces LGBT Scholarship Offer For Zimbabwean Students

Chiwenga Denounces LGBT Scholarship Offer For Zimbabwean Students

Zimbabwe’s Vice President, Constantino Chiwenga has denounced a scholarship offer allegedly to lure young Zimbabwean students into Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) activities.

In a statement, Chiwenga said LGBT activities are unlawful in Zimbabwe and that the scholarship offer is a challenge to Zimbabwe’s sovereignty.

He said Zimbabwe, as a Christian nation, has no room for “such alien, anti-life, un-African and unchristian values”. Reads the statement:

The Government of Zimbabwe strongly and firmly rejects and denounces as unlawful, unchristian, anti-Zimbabwean and unAfrican insidious attempts by foreign interests to entice, lure and recruit, Zimbabwe’s less privileged but able students into Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender activities and malpractices through offers of educational scholarships.

Zimbabwe has legislated against all such deviances, making any offers predicated on the same aberrations both unlawful and criminal, and a grave and gross affront to our national values and ethos as a Christian Nation.

To that end, Government sees such scholarship offers as a direct challenge to its authority, and thus will not hesitate to take appropriate measures to enforce national laws and to protect and defend national values.

Our schools and institutions of higher learning will not entertain applicants, let alone enrol persons associated with such alien, anti-life, un-African and unchristian values which are being promoted and cultivated by, as well as practised in decadent societies with whom we share no moral or cultural affinities.

Zimbabwe is a sovereign, African State with definite laws and values which typify it, cutting it apart from other mores.

Young Zimbabweans who qualify for enrollment into tertiary institutions here and elsewhere, should approach Government Departments tasked to give grants and scholarship support to deserving cases.

They should never be tempted to trade or sell their souls for such abominable and devilish offers.

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