Dorcas Sibanda, a philanthropist and researcher who oversees the Dzikisa Munyengetero Foundation, has brought attention to the practice of beggars in Zimbabwe using disabled children to solicit money from drivers at traffic light-controlled intersections.
Fifty disabled youngsters are cared for by the organisation at Glen Norah and Hopley Farm. It also offers meals, entrepreneurial training, and therapy to those with impairments and their families.
“I have been operating the Dzikisa Mweya Foundation for close to a decade, but didn’t want it to be known since I am doing it from the heart,” said Sibanda, the wife to gospel artist Mambo Dhuterere.
The mother of four said that her motivation to continue comes from her studies on the predicament of children with disabilities.
“Charity work requires a lot of research and we also found out that there are some evil beggars who have a habit of hiring children with disabilities to make money.
“It’s sad to note that we have evil people in our midst who are doing some of the craziest stuff, which should be condemned.
“Children with disabilities deserve a better life and we should not tolerate this nonsense.”
Sibanda has pledged to empower mothers/guardians of children with disabilities with projects and ensure they stop begging.
“It’s very sad when people are using disabled children to solicit money from motorists when they can do other projects.
She blamed some men for running away from responsibility when their partners give birth to disabled children and called for better treatment of people with disabilities.
“It’s quite unfortunate that we have some men who vanish when their spouses give birth to children with disabilities.
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“Children with disabilities deserve the same love that we give to the able-bodied,” she said.
Sibanda said giving has always been her calling.
“I have always wanted to help and I think it is a calling that I have to change other people’s lives.
“We can all make a difference to other people’s lives by sharing what we think is worthless,” she said.
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