Comic Pastor On Relocation Drama

Comic Pastor, who has been in the UK since September, says he has not relocated.

“What people are saying is something else, but I chose to ignore it. I haven’t relocated, but I am here for business and obvious comic structure.

I get people asking me every day if I have ditched comedy to become a nurse aide. Alas, I am coming back on November 17.

“What we hear is not what we see. I came here in September, and life is different from how we picture it back home. There is a lot to learn and teach.

The social life here is different, and the management of the system is something that we can learn and adapt, especially on arts promotion and event hosting.”

“I will be back home soon, as I have hinted, and of course I already have some gigs lined up. Yes, some say that I have moved to the UK because I realised that I have thousands of fans there, but I am not relocating. I’m not limited to staying here.

Zimbabwe is my home country, and a huge chunk of my fans are there, so I will always come there to dine with them. I have no permanent residence in the UK.” The comic pastor was speaking to The Herald.

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