Fraudster ‘Charles Whide’ Defrauds Fuel Company of US$56 200

Harare | A fraudster fuel dealer ‘Charles Whide’ appeared in court on charges of embezzling US$56,200 that he was paid in advance to supply 80,000 litres of fuel.

Harare magistrate Mrs. Appollonia Marutya ordered Charles Whide (39), who was represented by Mr. Steven Chikotora, out of detention till February 23 on free bail.

Faith Fuels (Pvt) Limited, the complainant in this case, is being represented by Ryan Dzapata.

According to the State, guided by Mr. Thomas Chanakira, Whide approached Ryan Dzapata of Faith Fuels (Pvt) Ltd. on May 19, 2022, and persuaded him that he could obtain fuel on his behalf.

Whide is accused of making false claims that he could purchase fuel from Strauss Logistics (Pvt) Limited, a bulk fuel trading organization.

Interested, Mr. Dzapata placed an order for 80,000 litres of diesel, paying Whide US$56,200 as a deposit and the remaining amount at the time of delivery.

Whide was accused by the State of taking the money but failing to provide the fuel. Whide repeatedly made false promises to Mr. Dzapata when he attempted to get in touch with him. At one point, he even claimed to have purchased the fuel from Mozambique, but the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra) intercepted it.

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Whide shifted his cell phone number and became evasive after Mr. Dzapata waited for more than a year…

When Mr. Dzapata realised that Whide was a fake supplier, he reported the matter to the police, which resulted in Whide’s detention.

Whide’s activities caused the fuel company firm to lose US$56,200, and no money was recovered.

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