AFROGATE 161, also known as KwaBelinda, was the scene of a homicide on Saturday night. Yesterday, at the suspect’s court appearance, intriguing facts about the crime were revealed.
A murder accusation was brought against Calisto Murawo when he appeared before magistrate Munashe Chibanda.
He was held in detention until July 12 while being indicted for a crime.
The only place the criminal may request bail is before the High Court.
Belinda Murawo, the bar’s proprietor, has a brother named Calisto.
David Matambo allegedly suffered a deadly assault from Calisto.
A sombre atmosphere enveloped the court gallery as some of David’s relatives wept before court proceedings.
Court papers show that Calisto confronted David and his wife, Zinzi Musonza, in the car park at his sister’s bar on Saturday night.
He accused Zinzi of bumping into another car in the car park.
David is said to have gone out of the car to check where the dent was.
And, while in the process of checking, Calisto punched him on the mouth with a fist with a knuckle duster, and he fell to the ground.
The court papers show that Calisto allegedly started kicking David on the head and neck before he stamped him on his neck.
Calisto stopped and walked away before returning and kicking David on the head again.
According to the State, Calisto then fled from the scene and dumped his car in Cranborne.
He also left his phone and car keys and fled to an unknown destination.
The State said Calisto did not show remorse after committing the offence and decided to flee instead of rendering assistance to David.
Calisto represented himself but arrived at court with his lawyer, Arshiel Mugiya, for vetting.
Zebediah Bofu appeared for the State.

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I have news for you. you can investigate further waiziya …
David matambo got murdered by calisto in Belgravia whilst he was with his wife zinzi matambo, you once covered it . .
but pa 2months after afa David.
zinzi matambo akatanga kudanana nemumwe mu jahman anonzi Swazi … 4months later zinzi matambo akadhumanisa Swazi na timi vakada kurovana nesando (kuita sekunge she makes men fight for her even to the death) … kutaura kuno zinzi matambo arikutodanana na timi , .
is there a conspiracy to the death of David matambo,,,is it possible that zinzi akauraisa murume wake kuti aite chihure ?
why kuita boyfriend 2months after murume afa … why 2boyfriends to the extent of wanting kutorovana nesando???? there is a mystery… zinzi matambo anogara kukuwadzana . she is not even on talking terms with David’s parents and his entire family….. ….
calisto akaponda David matambo, hazvidaro here aizivana na zinzi matambo? ?? zinz matambo anoda Mari stereki …
calisto akaponda David ihanzvadzi ye one of the women we rich cousins….crew ya zodla mkandla.
Zinzi musonza matambo akatotanga kuhura 2months murume afa , anga otoenda kumabhawa at 2months . At 4months akadhumanisa varume vaviri vanga voda zvekare kupondana nesando because of her …
Murume anga asati atomboora … Hazvidaro here zinzi musonza matambo akarwisanisa David na Callisto …
+263772271227 zinzi.
+263718550707 Timmy