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How to Shield Yourself from Harare’s Free Body Scan Scams

free body scans

In Harare, a concerning trend has emerged involving scammers who offer “free body scans” to unsuspecting pedestrians. Young women in professional attire often approach individuals with flyers, inviting them to nearby offices for what they claim is an innovative health assessment.

While the offer of a free health check may seem enticing, these schemes are elaborate scams designed to steal money. Research from ZimPriceCheck reveals that scammers specifically target vulnerable individuals, such as tourists and the elderly. Once victims are lured in, they are taken to offices where individuals posing as medical professionals await, dressed in lab coats to create an illusion of authority without directly claiming to be doctors, thus avoiding legal issues.

At the center of the scam is a device called the Quantum Resonance Magnetic Health Analyzer, which, despite its sophisticated appearance, is merely a collection of electrical components that falsely claims to diagnose serious health conditions. Victims undergo fake medical tests and receive alarming health reports, after which they are directed to an in-house “pharmacist” who sells overpriced, often repackaged products like herbal teas marketed as miracle cures.

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These scams pose serious risks, including:

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  • Delayed Medical Care: Victims might postpone seeing legitimate doctors, thinking they’ve had a thorough checkup.
  • Health Risks: The herbal products sold may dangerously interact with existing medications.
  • False Security: A misleading clean bill of health could lead individuals to neglect real health issues.

To avoid falling prey to these scams, keep in mind:

  • Legitimate medical professionals do not solicit patients on the street.
  • No single device can diagnose all diseases.
  • If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Always consult licensed professionals at registered healthcare facilities.

Although the allure of a free health scan is understandable in a country where healthcare can be expensive, it is crucial to remain vigilant. The “free body scan” scams in Harare exploit health concerns for financial gain. Always seek medical advice from trusted professionals to safeguard your health and well-being.

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