Joyride Turns Into Nightmare And Exposes Cheating Husband!

A Warren Park woman was arrested yesterday for allegedly stealing her married lover’s vehicle, cash and cellphone.

Chipo Manhando, 23, went for a joyride around the streets of Warren Park D in her married lover Energy Matika’s Toyota RunX without his consent.

During the joyride celebrating New Year in the company of her friend, Tanatswa, along 149th Street, Chipo who was reportedly drunk, lost control of the vehicle and rammed into a precast wall and destroyed the dining room of a house belonging to Partner Mukaukirwa.

Partner’s dining room suffered extensive damages on two sides.

The RunX reportedly belongs to Energy’s wife, who is based in the United Kingdom.

Energy reported Chipo to the police for car theft as well as stealing his US$370 and a mobile phone.

A relative told H-Metro that Chipo has no driver’s licence.

“Chipo has been dating Energy for some time,” she said, refusing to identify herself.

“They were together at Pfukwa Shopping Centre on New Year’s Eve. Police dispersed revellers and that is when Chipo drove the car in the company of Tanatswa.

“They made some rounds and nearly knocked down pedestrians before she destroyed Partner’s house.

“Partner asked Chipo to repair his house, and Energy decided to lodge a police report against her for theft,” said the relative.

Energy could not be reached for comment.

However, H-Metro is reliably informed that Chipo is currently detained at Warren Park Police Station and is expected to appear in court tomorrow.

Partner has since given Chipo a quotation for the damage to his house believed to run into several thousands of US dollars.

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CCTV video has emerged showing the moment a Zimbabwean family of 6 perished on Boxing Day when a vehicle they were traveling in was involved in a head on collision in Musina, South Africa.

CCTV Footage Shows Moment Zim Family Car Collided With Truck In Musina

In the video, the family’s Mitsubishi twin cab appears to have encroached on an oncoming traffic lane. The lorry coming from the opposite side flashed lights and possibly hooted while swerving to the right to avoid a head-on accident…continue reading

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