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Labor Rights Violations Continue at South Mining Despite Company’s Denials and Past Scandals

South Mining (Pvt) Ltd is once again at the center of controversy, facing fresh allegations of employee abuse and failure to provide adequate safety measures, despite its claims of prioritizing worker welfare.

A recent video circulating on social media has drawn public outrage, with many accusing the company of neglecting employee safety and subjecting workers to exploitative conditions. This latest scandal only adds to the growing calls for accountability, as the company has been embroiled in similar controversies in the past.

In its official statement regarding the video, South Mining denies the accusations, instead shifting focus to the worker who violated safety protocols by performing an unsafe act. The company also questions the motives behind recording and sharing the video, suggesting it was an attempt to damage its reputation. However, this defensive stance has done little to address the core issue—worker safety and labor rights—that has plagued the company for years.

Despite South Mining’s claims of providing proper personal protective equipment (PPE) and upholding labor regulations, this is not the first time the company has faced serious accusations. In 2023, the company was involved in a similar dispute with its workers in Hwange, where employees accused management of exploitation, unfair labor practices, and failure to pay salaries for several months.

According to the Solidarity Mine Workers Union of Zimbabwe, employees were frequently arrested after demanding their dues from the company’s human resources department. In one instance, 17 workers were taken to the police simply for asking for their unpaid wages.

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Union representatives like Prince Mpala have called out South Mining for creating a hostile work environment, where employees fear reprisals, including arrest, whenever they raise legitimate concerns about unpaid salaries or poor working conditions. Mpala condemned the company’s actions, likening them to “modern-day slavery” and highlighting the company’s ongoing refusal to pay terminal benefits to employees whose contracts have been terminated.

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When approached for comment during the 2023 scandal, South Mining’s HR Manager, Kudakwashe Mutunja, declined to engage, stating only that he was “in a mine” and later failed to respond to further questions. This pattern of evasion and failure to address worker grievances is a recurring issue that South Mining seems unable, or unwilling, to resolve.

The company’s latest denial of responsibility in this recent video scandal echoes the same dismissive approach it has taken in the past. While it claims to have launched internal and external investigations, there is little evidence to suggest that South Mining is seriously addressing the systemic problems that have long plagued its operations. Instead, its response appears to be more focused on damage control than on implementing meaningful reforms to protect worker rights and improve safety conditions.

In its official statement the company said :

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South Mining is aware of the video circulating on social media and is deeply concerned by the unhygienic and unsafe act performed by one of our employees. We are also troubled by the intentions behind recording such a blatant violation of basic behavior and safe working practices.

We categorically refute the allegations made against South Mining regarding worker abuse and the non-provision of proper protective clothing, as stated in your inquiry.

Regarding the video mentioned, we have initiated thorough internal and external investigations to examine the circumstances surrounding this unsafe act and the motives intended to tarnish the company's reputation. South Mining will also involve relevant external regulatory authorities and government agencies in these investigations.

Preliminary findings indicate that the individual in question breached safe working standards while cleaning the toilet for reasons unknown and was assisted by a fellow employee in creating the video recording. The motives and root causes of these actions are currently under thorough investigation.

At South Mining, we have a culture that prioritizes the well-being and safety of all our employees. Our company adheres to all relevant laws and regulations, guided by HR and Safety policies that ensure fair treatment, respect, and dignity for all employees. We have always prioritized the provision of PPE to all employees and are committed to ensuring that the workplace is safe and healthy to the extent reasonably practicable.

We uphold the highest standards of employee safety and well-being. Should you require further clarification or discussion, please do not hesitate to contact us.

K. Mutunja
Group HR Manager

With public pressure mounting and the company’s past record of labor abuse well-documented, South Mining’s efforts to deflect criticism are proving increasingly ineffective.

The company, which has operated for over a decade, now faces heightened scrutiny as calls for transparency, accountability, and worker protection grow louder. Without concrete action to address these long-standing issues, South Mining’s reputation will continue to erode, and its labor practices will remain under the spotlight.

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