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Man Fools Police Officers, Court Clerks…Cop Hires Him For a Night Of Pleasure!

A bold individual, disguised as a woman, managed to manipulate a police officer into hiring them for sexual services, successfully deceiving both the officer and court officials into treating them as a female suspect.

The individual even shared a bed with the officer, who claims to have been intoxicated at the time, without realizing their true gender.

However, this deception extended beyond just the officer. Court officials, unaware of the individual’s true identity, processed them under the name Melissa Ngwenya, assuming they were a female suspect in a theft case involving the officer who hired them.

The situation becomes more perplexing as it’s revealed that the individual also managed to fool other police officers during their arrest, none of whom recognized their true gender.

Upon appearing in court, the individual, dressed in feminine attire, was recognized by a vigilant police officer who remembered them from a previous case. This revelation occurred moments before their court appearance.

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The officer who had hired the individual was shocked to learn the truth, and the magistrate presiding over the case granted the individual bail.

Also read: Marondera Woman Arrested For Cattle Theft

According to court proceedings, on January 20th, the officer hired the individual for the night, and they allegedly stole $200 from him while he slept the next morning.

When questioned about how he failed to recognize the individual’s true gender, the officer cited intoxication and lack of memory of the events.

The individual appeared well-dressed for their court appearance, wearing a grey suit and matching shirt.

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