Man murders coworker, eats his internal organs, and takes selfies

In an unsettling event, a man from South Africa repeatedly cut himself with a knife in front of witnesses on what was thought to be Sibanye-Stillwater’s property.

However, James Wellstead, a spokesman for Sibanye-Stillwater, verified that the incident happened in an unofficial trading area rather than on the company’s property as reported to them.

He continued by saying that they are still looking.

In the video footage circulating online, the perpetrator can be seen knifing his victim, and he later sent the disturbing images on social media.

In the video and images, the knife-wielding man is then seen posing with the body from all angles and even taking a selfie or two.

It appears that the deceased had multiple lacerations to the neck and a deep laceration to his stomach. A small knife can also be seen resting on the man’s gutted stomach.

According to unconfirmed reports, the man also ate some of his victim’s intestines.

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