A CHEGUTU man is anxious for treatment to repair his malfunctioning manhood, which he alleges was imprisoned by his ex-wife.
Elias Mandaza Kassam said he last saw his ex-wife, Priscilla Tonde, three months ago, when she deserted him for an old guy.
“I was married to her, and she dumped me for a married man from Epworth.”
“She cursed me, causing my manhood to stop working.
“I’m looking for someone who can help me solve this problem.”It’s been three months, Ndirikuda vanokwanisa kubatsira kurapanura mhiko idzo.
“I suspect she locked me,” he added.
Elias added:
“She left me for a 74-year-old man, telling me she was going to work iye achitoenda hake kunemumwe murume in Epworth.”
“She came while pregnant and ndaitoshingirira ndichiti mwana ndewangu zvese ndichiita kwaari.
“Then I was told kuti haasi wako.
“So, the man waakatizira looked for me after I consulted a Madzibaba.”
Priscilla said she was never married to Elias.
“I am sorry henyu maybe maita wrong number, ini ndaisava mukadzi wake.
“Waigara naye anonzi Nomsa not ini.
“Ndofunga naye takarambana 2022 munaAugust last year and he had another wife called Precious so ini handina pandirikukwana ipapo.
“If possible, I can give you my brother’s number so that you get full information when we separated.
“Maybe it’s a mistake, look for the right person.”
She also denied having a child with Elias.
“I don’t have a child with Elias. We were dating, not married.
“Problem is he doesn’t want to be dumped.
“Ndakatomuramba pamberi pehama dzangu and akadanana neni ndine mwana wangu.
“I started knowing him in 2020 in September. We were never a married couple.
“Ndokumbirawo musiyane neni thank you. Achakupai a correct number, bye.
“It’s an old relationship, not new. He should be ashamed of himself because he doesn’t want to see me doing my things.
“My case of separating with him even went to the police. “This matter was dealt with at Pfupajena Police Station in Chegutu.
“We dated zvikapera and he only started talking to me after he saw my status. Kana zvanetsa ndakuita police case.
“The pictures he is sending ndea2021 when I was still dating him,” she said.

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