Maxwell Chibida, a young man living with a disability, is reaching out for assistance to start a self-sustaining project. Based in Chitungwiza after relocating from Rutenga in Masvingo, Maxwell uses a wheelchair and is determined to rise above his challenges by launching a small business to support himself and his family.
Maxwell, who lives with his siblings, is passionate about starting a project that will allow him to sell groceries such as drinks, popcorn, sweets, biscuits, and other items, including scratch cards.
However, despite his determination, he lacks the necessary resources to get the project off the ground. The initial investment required for the project starts at US$60, but Maxwell is open to receiving any form of support, even a small contribution, as every little bit will help him move closer to his goal.
“I am reaching out with a humble heart, asking for help. I am eager to start this project so I can become self-sufficient and not have to rely on others. I believe that with support, I can make this work,” Maxwell shared.
He went on to thank those who might hear his plea, expressing his gratitude in advance. Maxwell’s request is not just about the financial support; he hopes that by sharing his story in different groups, others may learn about his situation and step in to help. He is determined to ensure that the project will provide for his family and allow him to live independently.
Maxwell also advises potential donors to approach him through video calls first to confirm authenticity, as he is cautious of scams and fraudulent activities that have become common. For those interested in helping, Maxwell can be reached at +263788542856.
Maxwell’s heartfelt appeal for help emphasizes his desire for a better future. His courage and drive to start a business despite his disability are inspiring. Maxwell is hopeful that, with the support of others, he will be able to turn his dream into reality.
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