By-Norton MP Temba Mliswa (Independent), has exposed Zanu PF projects which emerge a few days before elections.
Mliswa claimed that Zimbabwe’s political arena “has become a field of dull people” who really do not care about the welfare of the people.
The former Zanu PF Mashonaland West chairman identified Democratic Union of Zimbabwe (DUZ) leader, Robert Chapman and the former leader of the Alliance for People’s Agenda (APA) Nkosana Moyo as some of the politicians who emerged out of nowhere with nothing to offer.
Below is Mliswa’s full thread on Twitter:
It’s unfortunate for us as a country when clowns continuously emerge from bushes on the eve of elections and start showering the public with effervescent nonsense about what they will do when they win.
Do these people understand that politics is about people’s lives?
That’s why our politics, in Parliament and Councils, has become a field of dull people some of whom don’t even know what is going on.
It’s all a game to them they have no serious regard for the interests of the people. But as happens in anything, a clown will also get followers.
Politics is about power& wealth distribution. If we are a people who continuously entertain adventurists, flexing their middle-age fantasies, where are we going?
Serious politicians should be looking to maximize where there is strength to provide a formidable alternative.
Somebody like @DrivenChapman has never been a Councilor or MP, jets in from the blue, has no party & no structure, and starts promising to rule the country.
How do we entertain such characters seriously if serious about our country? It’s all a pastime to him& he knows it himself!
Dr Nkosana Moyo had a mile better political portfolio and emerged just like this. How did he perform?
It shows the futility of such middle-aged expeditions. It’s a waste of time, people’s hopes, and an obscene ridicule of the efforts of all those in the trenches for long.
Politics isn’t a circus. Of course, you can be a clown & have an audience of your own happy clappers.
It’s like POLAD. Filled with Chapmans. What has it achieved? Zilch. It’s a waste of taxpayers’ money.
They have abused their democratic right to be a burden on the whole nation.

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