In a significant operation conducted at Lily Farm in Nyabira, police intervened and rescued 251 children who were reportedly subjected to forced labor under the leadership of self-styled prophet Madzibaba Ishmael, also known as Ishmael Chokurongerwa.
Alongside the rescue, authorities discovered 16 illegal graves on the premises, including seven for infants. Madzibaba Ishmael and seven accomplices were arrested in connection with the case.
The children, all below the age of 18, were found to be devoid of birth certificates and were engaged in labor activities prohibited by law. None of them were attending school, and they were reportedly exploited as cheap labor, performing manual tasks under the guise of receiving life skills training.
The arrested individuals, including Madzibaba Ishmael, are facing various charges, including child abuse. Investigations are ongoing, with law enforcement authorities delving into the circumstances surrounding the sect’s operations.
ALSO READ: Madzibaba Ishmael’s Two Sons Plead for Education
Asst Comm Paul Nyathi, the National Police Spokesperson, confirmed the ongoing investigation and highlighted the discovery of the illegal graves, emphasizing that proper burial procedures were not followed.
In another story, Tendai Mukombe, the first wife of Madzibaba Ishmael, accuses her former husband of hypocrisy, alleging that he preaches one thing while doing another to manipulate his followers.
Mukombe, who has eight children with Madzibaba Ishmael, including two deceased children and four living with their father, now lives in poverty in Murehwa.
Their marriage deteriorated when Madzibaba Ishmael took a second, younger wife. Mukombe reveals that Madzibaba Ishmael abolished the lobola tradition but paid lobola for her and obtained birth certificates for all their children, despite such documents being forbidden at his shrine….read in full
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