Poverty Stricken Police Officers Refuse to Retire Despite Reaching Retirement Age

Poverty Stricken Police Officers Refuse to Retire Despite Reaching Retirement Age

Harare | Because so many departing officers were requesting extensions, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) allegedly toughened rules for officers hoping to continue serving beyond retirement.

Due to a lack of assets or resources to sustain themselves in retirement, many police officers who have reached the retirement age of 50 are reluctant to leave the force.

Police personnel who have achieved retirement age may continue to serve beyond their designated retirement age under Section 22(3) and (4) of the Police Act Chapter 11:10. But last year, retired officers’ petitions for extensions flooded the police department, forcing them to tighten their screening procedures.

A senior police officer, speaking anonymously, told NewsDay that the majority of retiring officers apply for contract extensions as they have no other sources of income to sustain themselves after retirement. The officer was quoted as saying:

The issue is, most police officers have no savings or investments for their retirements. Owing to the meagre salaries they have been earning over the years, the majority have nothing for their retirement survival so they do not want to retire.

Even after retirement, you still need to take care of your family, send children to school and cater for other family needs. So without a meaningful source of income, it will be difficult to make ends meet.

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Police officers in Zimbabwe have been vocal about their low remuneration and have repeatedly appealed to Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga for improved conditions.

Last year, some retiring officers received lump sum retirement packages in the local currency equivalent to approximately US$2,000, which resulted in many officers choosing to extend their service.

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