Priest’s Son Sparks Social Media Firestorm After Selling Girlfriend’s Car to Pay Lobola For Another Woman

A priest’s son, Blessing Manyange, has become the center of a heated social media debate in Zimbabwe. H-Metro broke the story of Blessing selling his girlfriend, Charity Madare’s car, to finance the lobola (bride price) for another woman, Petronella, whom he recently married.

The story has ignited strong reactions, with men on social media surprisingly backing Blessing. Some even called for him to be a guest of honor at a men’s conference. Conversely, women have rallied behind Charity, expressing outrage over her car being sold without her consent.

Charity claims Blessing took her to a “self-styled prophet” who pressured her to sign a fake sales agreement for the car. She believes the prophet manipulated Blessing and convinced him to sell the car to raise additional funds for the lobola.

Heartbroken, Charity suspects foul play and believes the prophet may have used some form of trickery. She also revealed confronting Petronella, who responded by posting pictures of her and Blessing on social media.

Blessing confirmed selling the car and acknowledged it belonged to Charity. His parents have since agreed to reimburse Charity for the car’s value.

The story continues to dominate Zimbabwean social media, with a surprising gender divide in the comments section. While some celebrate Blessing’s actions, most women express strong support for Charity.

Also read: Desperate Man Jailed for Nine Years After Stealing Cow to Pay Lobola

This man should be the Guest of Honor at the upcoming International Men’s conference. — Marcopolo the Comic.


Anything that involves kuchemedza vakadzi, ndimutsei nyangwe pakati pehusiku. Chakachenjera chi blaz ichi. — Obey Tinashe Nasho.


A real gentleman who knows how to invest in property, chibaba ichi. — Apostle Keith Luckmore.


Ndonzwira aroorwa wacho tsitsi he will never respect his wife. — Patience Chandiwana.


That’s a good move, maybe he knew how much he spent on that girlfriend, who knows maybe mari yakatenga mota iyoyo yaiva yemuface iyeye. Muface uyu has represented us well. — Tendai Garwe.


Nice punch back vakatikanganisira kare mhani vanhu ava dhiri remu Eden deserves more than that. — Blessing Mhofu Masaramuso.


Varune munotoda public holiday yenyu. Tomboungana kukupai sando. — Nyarie.


Vakadzi vanongo enda ne win nguva dzese azvitombo nyorwe kana panewspaper Big apu chibaba chaenda ne win chagona. — Rassy Buju music and Kings of next generation family.


Kkkkkk pamberi nebasa ndozvavanoda vakadzi. — Adrian Chaderopa.


Gents 1:0 Ladies. — Webster Amos.


At least, us man we won the mjolo battle. — Keith Chidombwe.


The dude deserves a high table chair at men’s conference this year. —Kudzanai Kay-Cee Chichetu.


Brotherhood is proud of you my Guy. We’re winning. — Milton M Muropa.


Varume amuna zera nawo. — Inno Ngwaru.


Men’s team is leading now, he deserve man’s award of the year. — 5 AM Club.


Ndosaka varume wachizodyiswa, chii chakadaro. — Yeukai Mtoko.


Varume vese vanoda kumbounganidzwa mu National Sports vapiswe. —Tendai Zenda Zinyama.


Vanozviita havo vazukuru vaAdam. — Bertha Nobert.


For now mawinner but hanti munoziva revenge yedu. — Nicole Tariro.


My gender should take abuse seriously and let one or two men land in prison. They’ll know how to treat human beings nxaaa. — Tanyah Makopa.


You are allowed to use him for rituals. — Tawanda Kapsy.


After God…. We should fear men. — Laura Sumburero.


Kusarohwa uko ndokurovai mese newawaroora nevabereki vatambira mari ndotora mari yangu nemagrocery nehembe dzamai nababa kkkkkkkkkkkk ndoudza baba avo kuti ndirikuda mota yangu. — Linda Muruguru.


Chese chine chekuita nekurwadzisa varume count me in chero kundimutsa na2 I don’t mind. — Mtengo Molly.


What a great investment . — Kudzanai Marera.


We are winning, well done boy. — Mechell Ndlovu.


This is a legend, he should come and speak at next year’s Man Conference. — Timothy Kaparamula.


Very good wadadisa zveeee give that man a beer. — Benedict Mukanya Mapfumo.


This guy should be the life president of the Men’s collective forum. He deserves to be the only speaker at the Men’s conference. — Ngonidzashe Mupfumba.

Source | H-Metro

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