Prophet Magaya launches ‘miracle card’ he claims heals and exorcises evil spirits

Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) leader, Prophet Walter Magaya has launched a card he claims has power to heal and deliver congregants and other users.

Magaya, who once claimed to carry ‘Zimbabwe’s problems and prayers’ in two black satchels for delivery in Israel, said those who will respect and sacrifice to get the card will greatly benefit from it.

In Israel he took images while carrying the satchels, while in the river Jordan where Jesus Christ was baptised and then shared more of him stuffing letters written by his congregants through a hole on a wall he claimed was ‘closer to where God lived.’

A controversial religious figure, Magaya runs one of the biggest charismatic churches in Zimbabwe, with his followers stretching across the continent and beyond.

“I can safely say to you the cards are officially launched. They are for you, for your use,” said Magaya in a video shared on his social media platforms.

The card will be sold for an unspecified amount.

“It is anointing that you respect that will work for you,” he goes on.

“Respect is found in sacrifice, if one comes all the way from Bulawayo to attend a service to get a card, that sacrifice I tell you will get the anointing to work.

“If one meditates and takes their time, it will work.

“If one takes out money and says this is my seed towards this anointing that anointing will work because you will honour it, you will respect where your money is.”

Magaya once launched lipstick which he claimed would increase ‘certain particulars’ in the bodies of those that would use it.

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