The musician’s entourage of supporters claims that Seh Calaz was “USED AND DUMPED” after his ambassadorial agreement with the beverage company Kambucha Zimbabwe Ltd. expired.
The agreement expired on December 20 of last year, but for business purposes, he would have liked to keep it a secret.
He announced the news yesterday and thanked Kambucha for giving him the chance to serve as their ambassador.
We would like to notify the public and other interested parties that on December 20, our ambassadorial agreement with Kambucha Zimbabwe Limited, the company that makes Fresh Kambucha, ended.
“Kambucha Zimbabwe stated that they were unable to extend the agreement with us due to the challenging economic climate.
“We respected the company’s request not to make this announcement at that time but now that they unveiled a new brand ambassador, we feel obligated to advise the general public of this development.
“We wish their brand new ambassador all the best,” said the chanter’s management in a statement. Baba Harare is the new Kambucha Zimbabwe Limited brand ambassador.
There has been fury among Seh Calaz’s fans who feel the musician was “used” and “dumped” by Kambucha.
Wanisai “Mahwindo” Mutandwa was one of those who expressed their outrage.
“Please bring back Seh Calaz Zimdancehall King, he is the face of Kambucha and we all know that. Let Baba Harare and Seh Calaz vaite vese ma Brand Ambassador.
“You waited kuti mu approve then moregera ku extender contract yake,” said Mahwindo.
Other followers also backed Seh Calaz.
South Africa-based club wheel-spinner, Lenny Matterhorn simply posted:
Another artist, Ezekiel Manjengenja, said:
“Tinoda kuziva kuti mota havana kukutorerai here zvese zvamainge mawiririrana vakakupai here…kana vakakutorera mota vanodeserver kushandwa kusvika vati eke.
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“Kana vasina kukutorera vofanira kukupa imwe mari ye gratuity sezvo maivashambadza usiku nesikati.”
When the Zimdanchall star signed the deal, he was given a brand new Toyota GD6, which he was rolling with for the greater part of last year.
Although the terms were not clear whether it was his or just a courtesy car provided by the company.
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