Harare, Zimbabwe | From the mysterious experiences that began when she was just a 12-year-old girl to becoming the most talked-about traditional healer in Zimbabwe and beyond, this is the story of Gogo Chihoro.
Gogo Chihoro’s journey began when she noticed unusual changes in her life, especially her sudden distaste for modern foods. She began craving only traditional meals, which, as she later realized, were a sign of her emerging spiritual gift.
“I started disliking modern food,” she recalls. “I found myself only eating traditional meals, and I began noticing strange events happening around me, particularly when I ate foods I shouldn’t have. It often led to strange arguments or incidents.”
“Ndakatanga kusangofarira chikafu chamazuvano ichi, ndainge ndava kungodya zvinhu zvakawandira kuchivanhu or chikafu chechinyakare uyezve nekuona zvimwe zviitiko zvaiitika pandiri kana ndichinge ndaita nharo ndadya zvandisingafanire kudya”
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By the age of 12, other traditional healers were already consulting Gogo Chihoro, despite her young age. She possessed an uncanny ability to foresee events, such as the weather or even political happenings in the country.
Although her parents were devout Christians, they initially believed she was possessed by evil spirits. They sought various solutions to “cure” her, but nothing worked. It wasn’t until they accepted her gift and brewed traditional beer to welcome the spirits that the unexplained occurrences stopped. At the age of 16, Gogo Chihoro fully embraced her role and began helping people.
Gogo Chihoro’s school life was unlike that of most children. She believes her ancestral spirits guided her through her education, making the path easier.
“I went to school just like everyone else, but my journey was different,” she says. “The spirits guided me, and I excelled in my studies. Everything seemed to fall into place, and that’s why I live the life I want today.”
“Kuchikoro ndakaenda asi zvinhu zvaive zvisiri nyore asi varipandiri vakatungamira ndikabuda zvakanaka zvaidadisa muzvidzidzo zvangu, nekuda kwekuti zvese zvaingova zvakarongeka, ndosaka murikuona kuti kusvika pandiri pano ndinorarama hupenyu hwandinoda.”
Her youthful appearance often surprises visitors who expect to meet an elderly, wrinkled woman. Gogo Chihoro credits the spirits for her well-being, saying they do not allow her to suffer.
“People are often shocked when they see me,” she explains. “They expect an old woman, but the spirits on me won’t let me live a hard, painful life.”
“Vamwe vanotouya pano vanotoshamisika kuti tange takatarisira kuona muchembere, varipandiri havanditendere kurarama hupenyu wakaoma unorwadza.”
Contrary to popular belief, Gogo Chihoro does not remain in a spiritual state all the time. “Being a traditional healer doesn’t mean I have to be in spirit constantly,” she says. “I’m only in spirit when the spirits use me. I don’t have to be dirty or unkempt. That’s why I also keep up with fashion trends.”
During an interview with NRTV, Gogo Chihoro emphasized that those seeking her help should first observe how her life has changed for the better.
“People need to see that the spirits helped me before they consult me,” she said. “If I’m still struggling, how can I help them? I need to show that I have crossed over successfully before guiding others.”
“Ini ndinofanira kutorakidza kuti varipandiri vakandibatsira ndisati ndakubatsirai, nekuti ndingayambutsa sei mwana wekwananga ini ndisina kuyambuka?”
Despite her age, Gogo Chihoro is one of Zimbabwe’s most sought-after traditional healers and spiritualists. While she may not turn heads on the streets of Harare, her work continues to transform lives.
Different spirits use her for various purposes, including bringing rain, healing marriages, and removing evil forces through ancient methods such as water, trees, and other natural elements. Gogo Chihoro also gained fame for her unique approach to dealing with thieves, often sending monkeys, bees, or other animals after them.
She has helped people with a wide range of issues, from business challenges to marital problems, fertility issues, and more. Mbuya Chihoro, as she is often called, is celebrated for her ability to reunite lost lovers, boost business empires, cure mental illness, and address infertility, among many other problems.
However, Gogo Chihoro also issued a warning about the dangers of being drawn to bodies of water in search of mermaid spirits, known locally as “Manjuzu.” She advises that before one embarks on such a journey, they must fully understand the spirits within them, as they risk inviting evil spirits if they are not careful.

She also debunked the misconception that those with the spirit of ‘Manjuzu’ live in a way that deviates from traditional norms, such as going clubbing or divorcing their husbands, claiming that the spirit does not oppose marriage, break marriages, or encourage infidelity.
“Traditional healers and or spirits of Manjuzu should help mend relationships, not destroy them,” she said.
Gogo Chihoro’s story is one of resilience, faith, and a deep connection to ancient traditions. Despite the mysteries surrounding her gift, her work continues to inspire and heal countless people, both in Zimbabwe and beyond.
Here is how you can get in touch with Gogo Chihoro:
Visit her at: 39 Wallis Road, Harare, Zimbabwe, Facebook: Gogo Chihoro or Call: 071 420 4235
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