Zimbwa intimidates the judge to evict Madhadha Liquor Store!
A top police commissioner has come under the spotlight for allegedly using threats and cash at the High Court, where he was fighting to evict an upcoming businessman, Madhadha Liquor Store, from the city centre.
Innocent Zimbwa, a medical practitioner within the Zimbabwe Republic Police, allegedly got an order on Monday to evict Madhadha Liquor Store from operating in the city centre on allegations that it’s operations were hindering his medical facility.
With all the paperwork in order, Madhadha risks being evicted from Central Avenue after Zimbwa allegedly unleashed his heavy muscle of law enforcement and cash to force Justice Never Katiyo to grant the order impromptu.
According to sources within the Judiciary Service Commision, Zimbwa used his police influence to kick out Madhadha from Central Avenue and grease senior officials within the judiciary to get a favourable court order.
“The matter was hurriedly heard, and a judgement was passed immediately. It smacks of corruption. Zimbwa paid the judge and used his police position to get the order.
It was not an impartial hearing because,” said a source within JSC.
Zimbwa who runs a CBD medical facility, has been using his influence to stop a probe by the Zimbabwe Gender Commision into allegations that he runs an illegal aborting centre.
“Before the court process, Zimbwa tried to bully and stop Madhadha from operating using the police, but he failed as officers refused to undertake an illegal operation,” said a source.
“He then went to the Liquor Board but still failed. He then used money to amass signatures within the area so that he could push out Madhadha Liquor Store, ” the source said.
Madhadha is an indigenous entrepreneur whose growth is an envy to Zimbwa.
Zimbwa was reported to the Health Professions Authority of Zimbabwe and the Medical and Dental Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe for allegedly running an illegal abortion centre.
But the investigations are being stiffled through corrupt means.
More recently, the Zimbabwe Gender Commision and the police
“The police will do little because Zimbwa is a police officer and a very senior officer holding a commisssioned rank.
But the Gender Commision will look into the matter,” said a source familiar with the matter.
As a gynaecologist Zimbwa is allegedly running an illegal abortion centre at his medical facility in Harare and conducting illegal surrogacy on women.
Specialising as an obstetrician and gynaecologist, Innocent Zimbwa, Innocent, is under fire for allegedly luring sex workers and desperate women who want to terminate their pregnancies illegally to his surgery and, in some cases, illegally assisting women in reproductive technology such a surrogacy and illegal collection of eggs, which seriously damages women’s health and rights.
Sources at the Health Council said many fear Zimbwa would use his position in police to fight his cases.
His licence—if proved true—could be revoked by the health council, a source said.
“Zimbwa will never admit that he does abortion work because he knows it will land him in trouble,” said a source at the health council.
“They has been a private investigation on this for some time now. He is a senior police officer and knows that if he is found guilty of this, his job as a cop will end.
But the truth is he is doing this at his Central Avenue surgery,” said the source.
Several attempts to get a comment from Zimbwa proved fruitless, as he did pick up his calls.
Under Zimbabwe’s 1977 Termination of Pregnancy Act, abortion is only legally permitted under certain circumstances. If conducted illegally, it carries a penalty of up to five years in jail and/or a fine.
Yet many women, and even minors like 16-year-olds, allegedly flock to Zimbwa’s surgery seeking to terminate pregnancies illegally.
Some of the people, sources said, are commercial sex workers and want the procedure done smoothly.
Backyard abortion facilities are often run by unlicensed midwives and deregistered medical practitioners and carry the risk of severe complications.
This puts Zimbwa, a registered medical practitioner, on spotlog as to why he would be running the procedures illegally.
Four out of 10 women who undergo abortions in Zimbabwe experience such complications, including haemorrhages or infection, with some even dying in the process, according to a survey of health professionals.
“Illegal abortions in Zimbabwe have increased from 60,000 to 80,000 per year, which is very unsustainable.
Poverty has also seen many underage girls resort to abortion.
“How do I keep doing my job as a sex worker if I allow myself to have a baby? How do I look after the baby if I have no reliable source of income?” said a sex worker in a questionnaire done by the health council when they were conducting the probe.
At his clinic, Zimbwa also works with other doctors, including Makoni, Nothanda Mutizirwa and N.Moyo although the other health practitioners are not being probed by the health council.
Under the country’s punitive abortion laws, women and girls who want to terminate their pregnancies must find their own means—legal or otherwise.
Apart from deregistered doctors, public hospital staff are also in on the illegal abortion trade, helping them smuggle out abortion drugs.
“Per abortion, they make roughly $150 to $200, and in a good month, most doctors attend to about 15 to 25 abortion cases. It’s a lot of money if you make your calculations,” said an official at the Health Council.
The maternal mortality rate in Zimbabwe currently stands at 614 deaths per 100,000 live births, one of the highest worldwide, according to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).
Source | ZiMEye
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