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10 Years Later…Tugwi-Mukosi Dam Lies Idle

10 Years Later...Tugwi-Mukosi Dam Lies Idle

Tugwi-Mukosi dam has been lying idle for the past decade as the government seems clueless about how to fulfill the former President Robert Mugabe’s vision of turning the Lowveld into a greenbelt.

Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Anxious Masuka, who has been at the helm of the ministry for over five years now, has been criticised as the dam has seen neither irrigation nor tourism development save for irrigating the Lowveld Sugar Estates despite ravaging impacts of climate change and the El Nino-induced drought.

Mnangagwa has since extended a US$2 billion begging bowl to the world following the El Nino-induced drought yet Tugwi-Mukosi dam can irrigate about 40 000 hectares and provide enough food for people.

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Former Zanu PF Member of Parliament for Chivi South, Killer Zivhu blamed the leadership of gross incompetence and misplaced priorities on the delay in utilisation of the vast water bodies in the province.

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“Chivi District in Masvingo Province is one of the most drought prone districts in the province despite the availability of water for irrigation in the district. I think we have a leadership problem because if the leaders were putting in the exact effort they are placing kumakomba (pfumvudza/intwasa) in irrigation development the country could be better in terms of food security.

“I don’t know why they cannot replicate what was done at Mushandike Irrigation Scheme in other areas especially here in Chivi District. Masvingo province has about 60 percent of the water in the country yet it is in this province where we have some of the worst drought hit areas,” said Zivhu.

Zivhu further bemoaned the situation at Tugwi Mukosi saying it had yielded no benefits for people affected by construction of the dam and people were starting to lose confidence in the government.

“People from the areas around Tugwi Mukosi were moved to Chingwizi where they are living in abject poverty and were promised numerous benefits from the dam construction but still have nothing to show for it. They left their belongings including their relatives’ graves in the water for nothing.

“People no longer believe in government because there is really nothing for them from these forced relocations in the name of paving way for development. Those at Chisase are enjoying benefits from Manyuchi dam why can’t the same be done here in Chivi.

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“We have been in council where continuous planning about utilising the dam was done but nothing came to fruition as it is all about planning about tourism with nothing done, mari inoperera kumaworkshop (the money is spend on workshops) because its workshop after workshop, people could benefit from village tourism, tourists that come here would definitely want to enjoy a rural life experience because there is nothing new they can get from hotel experiences as these are available in abundance where they come from but even if they were to come there are no toilets, they will have to urinate in the water.

“This is a wakeup call for the leadership. They know where to find minerals but they do not talk about investing in the water bodies in the province,’ said Zivhu.

Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Permanent Secretary Professor Obert Jiri said resource constraints were delaying progress at the dam and said as soon as resources were availed government would work on irrigation development, notwithstanding that government splashed almost US$90 million on Presidential goat scheme. It seems its misplaced priorities because the US$87 million could have gone a long way in establishing irrigation schemes at Tugwi Mukosi dam.

“It is a matter of resources. The dam has the capacity to irrigate 40 000ha at peak. Water conveyancing for that purpose remains a major cost. However with the renewed thrust on irrigation development using our water bodies at the moment, we should see some work start on irrigation establishment at Tugwi Mukosi and surroundings,” said Prof Jiri.

Jiri said government was still working on securing finance for irrigation development at the dam through private sector partnerships.

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“The Ministry is having a conference where the President will be the guest of honour to drive the thrust on Zimbabwe irrigation investment. We need the private sector to chip in and finance,” said Prof Jiri.

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