Harare | Ward 22 Councillor, Theresa Manase, appeared at the Epworth Magistrates’ Court yesterday on theft charges involving 1 955 chickens.

She was remanded to April 20 for trial commencement.

The court heard that between February 28 and March 21, Amiel Gonesi had a poultry project at Manase’s premises.

Gonesi’s employees were, however, chased away by Manase and she took the keys from them, leaving the chickens unattended.

On March 20, Gonesi and his employees went to the fowl run to take stock of the chickens and they discovered that 1 955 were missing.

Gonesi also found out that Manase had slaughtered the chickens without his consent, and they were recovered from her fridge.

She allegedly admitted to selling 15 chickens but didn’t hand over the money.

The total value of chickens stolen was $10 992 000 and only $203 352 was recovered.

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