Karoi Prison Officer Takes Own Life After Wife’s Rejection

A devastating incident has shaken the community of Karoi, as a Zimbabwe Prison and Correctional Services officer took his own life after being rejected by his wife.

According to reports by Wezaka , the officer had proudly sent his wife to university, but upon her return, she informed him that he was no longer her type.

“Depression is real… Karoi prison officer hangs himself after sending a wife to university after graduation, she came back n say you’re no longer my type… last night.”

The tragic event has sparked a heated debate on social media, with many weighing in on the importance of self-investment and the potential risks of solely investing in one’s partner.

“Paying fees for your woman is not different from betting,” said Dexter, a social media user.

Tendai Livingstone added, “If you are investing in your wife, invest in yourself as well because once she feels that she is more invested than you, she will leave bro and put her family first.”

Caeser Cicero criticized those defending the officer’s actions, saying, “You’re just insecure social trolls who haven’t healed from their past heartbreaks.”

Tendai Livingstone reiterated, “If you are investing in your wife, invest in yourself as well because once she feels that she is more invested than you, she will leave bro and put her family first.”

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