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Kasukuwere’s Alleged Presidential Campaign Cars At Beitbridge?

These are said to be Kasukuwere’s cars at Beitbridge, ready to roll into Zimbabwe for his presidential campaign.

His source of wealth has always been suspect and was one of those labelled as criminals around Mugabe.

Social media has been waiting to see what he can actually do while he is back in Zimbabwe, Kasukuwere has also been fingered in the disappearance of the 15 Billion USD that caused mayhem a while back.

OK How Did Kasukuwere Got Into Politics?!

Kasukuwere reportedly joined politics when he started supporting the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (Zanu PF). He was a junior member of the Central Intelligence Organisation then.

1988, joined the Prime Minister’s office (18 yrs old).

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Operated in Mutare where he did little to conceal his identity as a member of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO). Nicknamed Tyson.

The Prime Minister’s Office became the President’s Office, which Saviour Kasukuwere left to pursue his own business ventures in 1994.

1999, Kasukuwere was elected Zanu PF Youth Chairman of Mashonaland Central. March 2000, re-elected MP for Mount Darwin South (And again, 2005, 2008, 2013.

On 19 November 2017, was expelled from Zanu PF by their central committee. Also expelled from Parliament as Mt Darwin South legislator.

Where Does Kasukuwere Gets His Millions!

Kasukuwere has businesses in the oil, transport and baking sector. He owns:

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  • ComOil (Pvt) Ltd which deals with oil procurement
  • United Touring Company (UTc)
  • Concorpia Farm was confiscated.

He also has substantial shareholding in Genesis Bank as well as Interfresh (Pvt) Ltd.

 Here Is Where It Gets Interesting, This Is Why Kasukuwere Parted Ways With Zanu PF

Saviour Kasukuwere was reported to belong to the G40 faction which was believed to be led by Grace Mugabe. He has also been widely quoted speaking against factional tendencies which were being employed some of the party members.

In one of his speeches, he noted that people loyal to Zanu PF should desist from doing things that divide the party and that the suspension of senior party members such as Rugare Gumbo should serve as a warning.

He also maintained that no individual was bigger than the party and that anyone who went against what the party stands for would suffer the same fate as provincial chairs that were booted out whom he said thought that they owned the people.

After the Zanu PF 6th National People’s Conference, Kasukuwere was appointed as the new party commissar replacing the then ousted Webster Shamu. One of the things that Kasukuwere did upon assumption of office was to stop the suspension of party in the provinces and the passing of votes of no confidence or else those that dared defy the party’s directive to stop suspensions would face disciplinary actions.

This was following reports in which it was alleged that people were now passing votes of no confidence to settle scores with their perceived political opponents and rivals. Following the removal of Ray Kaukonde and his executive, an interim executive was put in place but was removed by Kasukuwere following accusations of intense fighting.

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This saw the coming in of the Aeneas Chigwedere led executive.

It was reported that Kasukuwere received a vote of no confidence from all 10 provinces in Zimbabwe.

He was accused of plotting to remove the then President Robert Mugabe from power by creating parallel structures within the party, corruption, undermining the president’s authority, and others.

The party is alleged to have held a meeting in Manicaland where it was agreed to relieve the Minister of his duties due to some of these allegations:

Said Cde Undenge while reading the resolutions: “At its meeting on April 21, 2017, the Manicaland PCC passed a resolution that the political commissar, Cde Saviour Kasukuwere, must be relieved of his post because he was undermining the President, Cde Robert Mugabe.

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“He was creating parallel structures, fanning factionalism and defending those who are fighting President Mugabe, as well as protecting fired people like Cdes Sandi Moyo and Sarah Mahoka.”

Sharing the same sentiments was the Provincial Executive Committee in Matabeleland and they reportedly mentioned nine reasons why Kasukuwere should be dismissed.

Matabeleland South provincial executive committee (PEC) has unanimously agreed on the matter of the national commissar Cde Kasukuwere to be ousted from the party and Government.

“All members of the PEC were in support of the vote of no confidence for the following reasons, creation of parallel structures, which disrupted the party and led to the removal of substantive chairpersons and failure to conduct elections.

Gave direct instructions to individuals in provinces by-passing party leadership and protocol, leading to indiscipline and insubordination by these members.

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Imposition of candidates in the Youth League to bolster his position in anticipation of a special congress. The members were no longer loyal to the party but to him.

He advocated the removal of the one centre of power when he incited his brother to publicly declare that they want to do away with party position of one centre of power.

He hand-picked beneficiaries of the Youth Fund and also brought aspiring candidates to constituencies before the party officialised any campaign and giving guidelines and directions. Corruption in residential stands programme where he sold land to barons.

Kasukuwere is reported to have been saved by Grace Mugabe and Robert Mugabe when the latter reportedly mentioned in a meeting that Kasukuwere’s issue was dealt with in an un-procedural and unconstitutional manner. This is said to have been after the president had conducted a meeting with Kasukuwere.

It is reported also that Grace Mugabe chaired a meeting in Mazowe and highlighted that Kasukuweres issue was to be dealt with by the main wing. It is rumoured that Saviour Kasukuwere’s problems were caused by the so-called Mnangagwa faction to have him removed as the political commissar.

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Kasukuwere was expelled alongside members of the G40 , like his allies Kasukuwere was accused of causing economic ,political and economic uncertainty in Zimbabwe.He was arrested and detained by the military and subsequently expelled from his post as party commissar and from the party.

Kasukuwere was relieved of his duties in November 2017 along with other members. This was reported to have been caused by not representing needs of those they represented.

Source | ZiMetro News

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