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MAFFKET and Primkett Primrose Nyeri director up for $120m fraud

MAFFKET and Primkett Primrose Nyeri director up for $120m fraud
Primrose Nyeri-Mwangi (centre)

MAFFKET and Primkett director, Primrose Nyeri-Mwangi, has appeared in court charged with fraud and money laundering involving over $120 million.

The 40-year-old was not asked to plead when she appeared before Harare magistrate Stanford Mambanje.

Zvikomborero Mupasa, representing the State, opposed bail for Mwangi.

It is the State’s case that between December 1 and 29 last year, Mwangi and her accomplices hacked two bank accounts belonging to the Zimbabwe Development Fund (ZIMDEF).

The court heard that acting in common purpose, Mwangi, Gerald Pondai, Prosper Hove and others still at large, obtained access to ZIMDEF’s ZB Bank and CBZ accounts.

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It is alleged that Mwangi used Zeepay Zimswitch and transferred $20 000 000 into Maffket Trading’s Steward Bank account.

It is further alleged that Mwangi and her accomplices further transferred various amounts to Atrier Engineering’s account, Newplaces Pvt Ltd and Tavaka Holding.

Mwangi is also being accused of purchasing bulk cooking oil with the stolen money.

Mwangi was arrested after ZIMDEF received a tip-off that their accounts were hacked.

Upon checking, ZIMDEF realised that about $120 000 000 had been siphoned.

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Only $30 000 was recovered after NBS reversed it when informed about the matter.

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It has been reported that Rapper Stunner has been arrested in Durban after he physically assaulted his girlfriend.

Reports Say Stunner Has Been Arrested In Durban After Bashing New Bae

The issue is said to have started when Stunner’s girlfriend was approached by another man and she gave him her number without hesitation.

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This did not sit well with the rapper who…continue reading

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