Mangaliso Ndlovu, the provincial chairperson of Zanu PF in Matabeleland South, insulted and compared the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party to cockroaches, bringing up “painful” memories of the Gukurahundi genocide that took place in the area in the 1980s.
At the Zanu PF star rally on Saturday at Nyele Primary in Bulilima District, President Emmerson Mnangagwa was welcomed by Ndlovu, who praised the ruling party as being more organized than the CCC, whose candidate selection process had been marred by controversy. Ndlovu also publicly referred to the opposition party as “confused cockroaches.”
“Matabeleland South province is well organised, we don’t even have a single independent candidate here in Zanu PF while there are others who are confused. We wonder if they are a Convention for Confused Cockroaches because what happened during nomination day shows you can’t give them a chance to lead a village, now what more if they are to lead a country,” he said.
According to the Zanu PF provincial chair, Matabeleland South was under opposition control for 13 years, from 2000 to 2013, but failed to make a difference in the province.
“We know how it is to be under the opposition in various districts here in Matabeleland South. Matabeleland South was fully liberated in 2013 and the development that has come under Zanu PF is astounding,” Ndlovu claimed.
Ndlovu who is also the Minister of Environment , Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, challenged the opposition to show what it achieved for Matabeleland South.
“For the record, we challenge the opposition to say what it has done from 2002 to 2013 while we shall tell them that from 2013 to now, Zanu PF worked. From 2018 to now, under Mnangagwa’s leadership, his works are evident,” said the provincial chairperson.
He also thanked President Mnangagwa for choosing to visit Bulilima and commemorate the anniversary of the late nationalist, Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo of Matabeleland South who died on July 1, in 1999.
“We want to thank you because today (Saturday) is a big day. It was a Thursday in July 1, at 9am when the late (former) president, Robert Mugabe, announced the passing of Umdala Wethu, Father Zimbabwe. Today is July 1 and you chose to be here on this big day, where Zimbabweans celebrate the works of Nkomo’s life, who offered himself to liberate this country, build the country and unite people,” Ndlovu said.
Ndlovu added that in honour of Nkomo, who hailed from Matabeleland South, people in the province will vote for Zanu PF.
“In Nkomo’s honour and in honour of your hard work, Matabeleland South will not go to the opposition ever again,” claimed the provincial chair who said that in the past three years, President Mnangagwa has visited various parts of Matabeleland South.
“You have been to Beitbridge, Gwanda, Insiza, Matobo and Mangwe. Today you are here in Bulilima. We had a president who for 33 years did not come here but you in four years
have been here and uplifted development in our province.”
Ndlovu also said the province was grateful that President Mnangagwa had revived the Joshua Mqabuko Polytechnic in Gwanda which had been lying idle for years.
“ For more than 40 years we wanted a polytechnic to impart skills to the young and in two years it is finished, we don’t have the words to thank you. In three years, Gwanda State University is up, you also provided cows for projects and things are moving. We have Thulimanyangwe Dam that you are building for us. We want to thank you for the irrigation schemes here in Bulilima,” said Ndlovu.
“The party in the province is grateful for your work, the party members will vote for you on August 23, 2023. We thank you for coming here to enjoy with us in Bulilima, before people proceed to enjoy again in Maphisa (where Zanu PF was hosting two rallies at these respective places in honour of Dr Nkomo’s legacy.”
Source | CITE

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