Police Thwart CCC’s Highly-Anticipated Election Campaign In Bindura

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has blocked CCC from launching its 2023 elections campaign in Bindura on Sunday, citing concerns over inadequate infrastructure at the opposition party’s chosen venue.

The ZRP asserts that the selected location lacks proper access roads and water facilities, potentially exposing supporters to communicable diseases.

Additionally, the ZRP has stated that they were not given adequate notice, as required by the MOPA Act. Consequently, they have advised CCC to seek an alternative venue and date for their event.

A letter addressed to CCC by the Officer Commanding Bindura Police District, dated 07 July 2023, reads in part:

This office acknowledges receipt of your notification of a public gathering [Campaign Rally] dated 6th July 2023 to be held at stand number 3889 and 3890 Brockdale, Bindura, on the 9th of July 2023 from 0900 hours to 1700hours which you submitted in terms of section 7 of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act [Chapter 11:23].

This office has reservations in respect of the suitability of the venue taking into account all relevant security factors necessary.

The venue falls within an undeveloped piece of land, which is bushy without serviceable roads, water, and sewer facilities.

It provides a high-risk security threat to the participants. There is also a high risk of threat to the spread of any communicable diseases.

In the event of any public disorder, the police and other emergency services would have challenges accessing the venue due to the unavailability of an official road network.

As a result, our mandate to protect life and property and to maintain law and order will be compromised.

Lastly, your notification did not give sufficient notice to the regulatory authority as provided in terms of the MOPA Act.

May you consider securing another suitable venue and provide sufficient notification as required by the provisions of the MOPA Act.

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