Prophet Bashed After Failing to Resurrect Dead Man During a 2-hour Prayer!

A prophet with a base in Norton who works for Tree of Life International Ministries has been forced to move after his claims to possess resurrection abilities were disproved.

He tried to revive a dead member of the congregation, but failed.

After his two-hour prayer for the deceased Sekuru Fungo failed to revive him, Prophet Vincent Nyamadzawo was severely beaten by mourners.

Ironically, just before the deceased’s passing, Nyamadzawo prayed for him.

The prophet stated that Fungo was just asleep when he passed away, and that it would take two hours to raise him from the dead.

It backfired, though, and the church was forced to close after his adherents ceased attending his services in response to fabricated prophesies.

Nyamadzawo packed his property on Wednesday last week and left for Mvurwi where he found another home to start afresh.

He had also caused a storm after allegedly approaching girls from his church in their WhatsApp inboxes and asking them if they were virgins.

When contacted, the prophet said:

“I am busy right now, ndikuda kutobuda ndakamirirwa nemota. I am not able to talk about that issue.”

During his two-hour prayer at the hospital, Nyamadzawo said:

“If Jesus raised Lazarus then what will stop me?”

The deceased’s daughter, Elizabeth, said:

“Kana munhu afirwa zvonetsa kutambira ndaingoti zvimwe baba vachamuka asi zvaramba,”said Elizabeth.

One of the elders from the church condemned the prophet.

“Vamwe baba vemwana vekuchurch vakafa.

“Doctors declared him dead and the relatives were ordered to sign documents for the body to be taken to the mortuary.

“The prophet ordered the relatives not to sign the papers claiming that he would resurrect him, he then started praying for the deceased.

“He had prayed for him 30 minutes before his death.”

Another church member added:

“The pastor went to pray for the deceased while he was still alive in hospital but vachibva ikoko akabva asara achifa.

“So, he was approached by the deceased’s daughter whom he advised not to sign documents for the body to be taken to the mortuary.

“He advised that he would resurrect him and begged some nurses to pray for him and he was allowed in.

“But his efforts did not yield results until the nurses decided to move him outside.

“The guard also ordered him out achiti anga akuita kunge munhu akupenga until munhu azoendeswa kumortuary.

“The church collapsed since he was making fake prophets and dissing congregants.

“Pastor ava ndevefake, vanga vauya kuzotsvaga mari kune vanhu.

“He was also moving around claiming that there were no virgins in the church.

“It looked like he was looking for virgins in church. He would inbox girls around 12 midnight asking kuti muri mavirgins here.”

Another congregant said:

“I am part of this story since I am one of the church members.

“We had to confront him and people started beating the pastor.”

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