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Top immigration consultant Nyasha Muteswa in USD20k fraud storm over Certificate of Sponsorship scam

Top immigration consultant Nyasha Muteswa in USD20k fraud storm over Certificate of Sponsorship scam

Top immigration consultant Nyasha Muteswa in USD20k fraud storm over Certificate of Sponsorship scam

Harare | A top immigration consultant and director for NMS Consulting Firm ,Nyasha Muteswa is in the eye of a storm following allegations the he swindled an unsuspecting aspiring migrant money amounting to the tune of USDD20 0500.

Circumstances are that some in time in August, Muteswa was approached by one Ndlovu who had been reffered by a friend and sought assistance to secure Certificates of Sponsorship( CoS) for himself and three of his sister’s friends to work in United Kingdom health sector.
Employers with a valid sponsorship licence must obtain a CoS without charge, but Muteswa charged Ndlovu and misrepresented he could secure the certificate.

He was paid an amount of USD20 000 in respect of CoS for four individuals but he did not communicate for several weeks raising the suspicion of Ndlovu and company.

“Sometime in mid-August I got a message through a family friend that there was a company in Harare by the name NSM Immigration that has some COS (certificates of sponsorship) for UK Healthcare assistance work, after some further inquiries, I communicated with my sister Joyce Ndlovu for financial assistance since I did not have the money myself to do the payments, my sister agreed to pay for me and made some further inquiries that she had close friends who also wanted to bring their siblings to the UK if the company had more COS.

“The requirements and processes are contained in the detailed message which was circulated on social media to attract clients. ”

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“After an agreement was reached my sister sent me some money amounting to US$D20 000 for four people that was paid in two batches, with the first one paid on the 5 of September 2023, and the second paid on the 19 of the same month and year and some receipts were issued after the payments.

“After the monies were paid communications were done promising that the zoom interviews will be slotted and conducted in due course. As months passed by communication breakdowns continued with all promises being broken on what was originally promised as contained in their message which stated that the process was to take 3 weeks only to obtain a COS,” explained one of the victims Ndlovu.

He then met Muteswa on November 10 2023 where he proposed a re- payment plan with full settlement scheduled forJanuary 10 2024.

Muteswa allegedly offered a Honda Fit as surety.

He then reneged on the agreed payment plan allegedly coming up with excuses, forcing Ndlovu to file a police report under case number CR854/11/23 recorded at Harare Central police station.

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Express Mail Zim gleaned at the Whats App conversations between Muteswa and Ndlovu, where he showered the later with endless excuses for non payment of the refund.

When contacted for comment,Muteswa was evasive and started name-dropping to avoid categorically state his position on the fraud allegations.

“I cannot comment on the matter as it is being dealt with by the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC),” said Muteswa.

His sentiments come barely three days after Vice President Kembo Mohadi warned Zanu PF members and the public against name-dropping, saying some of them were committing criminal activities and claiming to be doing it for senior officials, including the President.

Recent reports indicate that Zimbabwe is among the top five countries that registered the highest number of citizens who were granted UK work visas in the past two years.

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Fraudsters and greedy employers are taking advantage of desperate people who are eager to go overseas by fleecing them of their hard-earned cash.

The number of people arrested and appearing in courts on fraud charges involving certificates of sponsorship has been on the rise in recent years.

For feedback and comments, please contact ZiMetro News on WhatsApp: +27 82 836 5828.

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