Zanu PF youth league member run over by a tractor on the plantation owned by provincial head Sakupwanya

Manicaland- The operations manager of Manicaland Youth Development Company died Tuesday after being hit by a tractor, ZiMetro News has learnt.

Musekiwa Dziwire, a Zanu PF youth member, was hired by Zanu PF provincial youth chair Stanley Sakupwanya, who took over the firm from the youth league.

The enterprise is affiliated with the Zanu PF youth league and is situated on a wood plantation.

The firm was founded to provide resources to party youngsters and was hand-picked to gather timber on behalf of Allied Timbers in eight areas.

Sakupwanya, on the other hand, irregularly privatized the entity.

“Dziwire was working as a operations manager which was supposed to be Zanu PF company but Sakupwanya grabbed it and has not been adhering to the Safety and Health and Environment policy leading to several injuries that go unreported,” said an inside source.

Sakupwanya is said to be making a killing and spending the proceeds to fund a luxurious lifestyle where he recemtly acquired a house in Rusape and a top of the range vehicle at the expense of investing in equipment .

He is also allegedly diverting profits for vote buying ahead of the elections.

Sakupwanya is on a spirited campaign to be Zanu PF MP on the youth qouta and he has allegedly embarked on a vigorous vote buying campaign.

He confirmed the death of Dziwire, but rubbished reports it was due to SHE regulations violations.

“Please don’t bring in politics in the death of a comrade,” he said.

The youth league formed the company in 2022 to spearhead Youth empowerment in eight districts but he handpicked his cronies including the late Dziwire.

In other news,

Mnangagwa announces Zanu PF primary elections date


President Emmerson Mnangagwa Wednesday directed that the Zanu PF primary elections be held on March 25.

Mnangagwa announces Zanu PF primary elections date

The elections were postponed on March 18 and an extra ordinary Politburo meeting was convened Monday to map the way forward.

The PB okayed the candidates CVs and Epworth Member of Parliament Kudakwashe Damson was disqualified for allegedly assaulting a Zec official….Full Details

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