Blot’s Show Turns Into Violence As Chanter Fails To Turn Up!

After Blot failed to show up for a gig last Saturday, Hwange music fans became aggressive and looted drinks at the Colliery Club, injuring three individuals and causing damage to many automobiles.

The performance, which also included Young Junita and Kae Chaps, was produced by Boss Wellaz Entertainment.

According to reports from Hwange, the skilled singer was double booked despite being advertised as the main act, leaving the audience with the impression that they had been sold a sham.

Boss Wellaz, the show’s organizer, is tabulating his losses.

“Blot’s actions have hurt my reputation, and I’m a dissatisfied guy.

I complied with all of his demands prior to the performance by paying his performance fee in full, booking three different accommodations, and paying for petrol, but he still failed to appear.

“We waited for him until 2 am when the fans lost their patience and started throwing bottles, looting beer, destroying cars and equipment,” said Boss Wellaz.

He said he has been failing to get hold of the musician, or his management team, since last weekend’s incident.

“I have been trying to get hold of him but his phone and that of his road manager are not going through.

“I went to his house in Harare and his landlady said she has not seen him for the past few weeks and he owes her rent.”

He said he has filed a police report.

“Imagine I have to refund the club owner for the beers lost, repair the damaged equipment and pay bills for the three injured fans.

“I have reported the matter under IR040076 at Harare Central Police Investigation department” he said.

A close source said Blot has been going through a serious drug problem to the extent that his in-laws allegedly took his wife away.

“Blot doesn’t have a phone and all communications are made through his manager who has also been dodging serious calls.

“He is of no fixed abode, the only place he calls home ndiko kwaarikunzi akabva paakatorerwa mukadzi and whenever he gets money he spends it in drug havens or stays with different women in Mbare,” said the source.

In other trending news,

Gold Mafia Effects: Uebert Angel, Rudland accounts frozen

The Financial Intelligence Unit of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has blocked the assets of everyone connected to the gold Mafia scam, including prophet Uebert Angel. Arrests are soon to follow.

Breaking News: Uebert Angel, Rudland accounts frozen

Insiders claim that the RBZ is monitoring operations that may reveal the money laundering that may have been carried out by the supposed gold Mafia, and the instruction to freeze accounts and the arrests corroborate the harsh stance adopted by the RBZ against it.

More assets of persons involved in gold smuggling, money laundering, bribery, and other corrupt acts whose self-incriminating words are featured in the documentary have reportedly been frozen, according to inside sources at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe….read full story here

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