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Harare City Council Issues Ultimatum to Property Owners for Building Improvements

Harare City Council Issues Ultimatum to Property Owners for Building Improvements

Harare City Council Issues Ultimatum to Property Owners for Building Improvements

The City Council of Harare has issued a 14-day ultimatum to all property owners and occupants within and outside the Central Business District (CBD) to enhance the appearance of their buildings. Town Clerk Hosiah Chisango emphasized the council’s intent to take decisive action against those failing to comply with this directive.

In a public notice, the City of Harare outlined the requirement for property owners and occupants to renew or regenerate their buildings through repairs, refurbishments, and repainting.

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The notice referenced Section 49(1) of Chapter 2 of the Model Building By-Laws (1977), which prohibits buildings from becoming health hazards, emitting unpleasant fumes, or being unsightly or offensive to the neighborhood.

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The directive particularly targets buildings along eleven major roads in the city, including Robert Mugabe Way, Jason Moyo Street, and Samora Machel Avenue. Additionally, properties falling outside these major routes are also subject to renewal requirements.

Property owners and occupants are urged to comply with the by-laws or submit written representations within two weeks to the Director of Works. Failure to adhere to the directive may result in enforcement measures as per Section 56 of the By-Laws.

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