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Kuwadzana Woman Travels To Budiriro Strips, Climbs To Rooftop!

Kuwadzana Woman Travels To Budiriro Strips, Climbs To Rooftop!

In an alleged juju instance, a 42-year-old Kuwadzana lady went to a Budiriro residence and undressed nªked.

She then scaled the roof of the home. The event took place on Sunday evening.

Maria Chimuranzi, a mother of four, drew a large audience, with some accusing her of witchcraft.

Several guys attempted in vain to lift her off the roof as she threatened to jump until police arrived.

She was transported to Budiriro Police Station, where she was interrogated before being sent to Kuwadzana.

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Nomatter Chimuranzi, Maria’s cousin sister, told H-Metro that an evil ghost might have been tormenting her.

“Maria has been staying with her husband in South Africa,” said Nomatter.

“She came back on Friday and her mother led her to Stoneridge on Sunday morning to visit relatives.

“Her mother remained in Stoneridge and Maria returned with one of our little sisters.

“Along the way she ordered the little sister to proceed home while she visited a church in Machipisa.

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“We began to worry when she failed to return home and had plans to lodge a police report.

“She has been attending a cult church in South Africa and we are yet to know more from her husband,” said Nomatter.

Budiriro residents suspected the owner of the house was responsible for the bizzare act.

They stoned the house and his vehicle demanding to know the reason why Maria targeted his house.

“Why is she shaming women by stripping at this house?

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“Why this house, we need answers,” shouted a resident.

House owner Thomas Mupfawa was also shocked by the incident saying he was away when Maria climbed on top of the house.

“I was attending a funeral when I received a call that a naked woman was on top of my house.

“I do not know her and I am also shocked and surprised why she targeted my house,” said Mupfawa.

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