Winky D and Holy Ten combined forces and made a hit that has gone viral on social media with Zimbabweans saying that the new song is already the song of the year despite it being released on the last day of the year.
Winky D has proven yet again that he is the King of Zimdancehall and Zimbabwean music as a whole.
On the other hand Holy Ten delivered as expected on a Winky Colabo.
In other news, Seh calaz released his much awaited Album ‘Dzinosvika Kure’ that has since gone viral on social media and spreading like wild fire.
In other news,
Mabrijo confirms dating and dumping DJ Towers
Mabrijo has confirmed that she dated and dumped DJ Towers because he was broke and has nothing to his name.
She said she was attracted to the Towers she saw on social media but in real life he has nothing. “Towers ndini ndaimuchengeta, that time ndandirimaid kuSouth Africa ndaiti ndikashanda otiMabrijo nditumirewo 300US$ ndikatoona kuti zvandavakushandira Towers….continue reading

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