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Mutsvangwa Says Solar Panels And Boreholes In Rural Areas Are Signs Of Zimbabwe’s Prosperity

Mutsvangwa Chides CCC Over “Fixation” With Politics

ZANU PF spokesperson, Christopher Mutsvangwa, believes that the presence of solar panels and boreholes in rural areas demonstrates prosperity in Zimbabwe.

He claims that President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government has actively pursued practical initiatives for prosperity.

In response to Blessed Mhlanga’s inquiry about the distribution of benefits from gold production, Mutsvangwa pointed out the visible signs of economic progress, such as young people building houses and investing in boreholes through their earnings from gold. He emphasized that denying this reality would be unjustifiable when evidence of prosperity, such as solar panels and improved living conditions, can be observed in rural areas. Watch the full interview here.

During the Heroes Day celebrations, Mhlanga stated that the majority of the population would dispute the extent of economic progress claimed by Mutsvangwa for Zimbabwe. He said:

Cde Mutsvangwa look around you, the shoes people are wearing, the clothes they have, do they look like rich people who are digging 10t of gold yearly.

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Mutsvangwa responded by saying:

You just need to go and see solar panels in rural panels, you see houses being built by young people, you see they’re drilling boreholes because they’re making money. They are making money out of gold, why do you want to deny the reality?

Mhlanga alleged that the Gold Mafia, not the general population, benefits from gold production in Zimbabwe. In contrast, Mutsvangwa stated that the nation is making progress towards prosperity, honouring the aspirations of fallen heroes. He encouraged both local and foreign investors to consider opportunities in lithium, platinum, and gold. Mutsvangwa denied reports of starvation, emphasizing that Zimbabwe is exploring possibilities to export grain to other nations.

Mutsvangwa also said Gold Mafia was a creation of those offended by Zimbabwe’s ability to stabilise the macroeconomy and the local currency.

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